We advise universities on various aspects of their research policy and management. Topics on which we give advice include:
a. Research policy definition and consensus-building around it
b. Management of research projects and funding
c. Evaluation and assessment of research output
d. Data protection and data management plans
e. Research infrastructures
f. Scientific integrity and ethical aspects
g. Research visibility
h. Open science policy and implementation
i. Internationalisation strategy
We are also constantly scanning for new calls of the EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme (FP) to alert our clients on the ones that are suitable for them. As most proposals require the creation of a consortium with at least three European or associated country partners, we help our clients to achieve it. In addition, in those modalities where a consortium is not required, we assist researchers in finding a host entity, in the preparation of their proposals in terms of reviewing their coherence and adherence to the terms of the call.